Shows, Showcases, and Productions by actfirst drama groups
At the end of every term there is either an informal presentation of students work, for family and friends, or – once a year – all students are involved in a production performed at a professional theatre: Recent Productions at Hampton Hill Theatre, include:
“The Dog Sitters”, “The Wicked Witches of Oz”, “Cinderella”, “Dick Whittington” and scenes from “Alice In Wonderland”, “Murder At The Music Hall”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Captain Hook’s Revenge”, “The Pied Piper”, “A Christmas Carol”, “Same Difference”, “Allie & the Alien” (National Theatre Connections), and “Zoo”
These productions are highly beneficial to the children and young people, giving them a great sense of achievement, and the opportunity to perform on a professional stage.
Past Productions:
“The King of Spain’s Treasure”, “Hood!” and “Aladdin”, at Hampton Hill Theatre
“A 19th Century Revue” at the Normansfield Theatre, Teddington – Scenes from “Oliver Twist”, “Little Women”,
“Shooting Truth”, by Molly Davies (National Theatre Connections 2011)
“A Human Write”, by Amy Sutton, “Open The Book” by Jonathon Boustead,
Scenes from “The Importance of Being Earnest”, “The Secret Garden”, “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe”,
“Stoppit”, “Show White”, “Uncle Crumble’s Mad Machine”, “Jack & the Beanstalk”, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”, “Bonding”, and excerpts from “The Taming of the Shrew”, “Macbeth”,